Año Referencia Tema Título
1192 CL215 26 Controversies and advances in primary hyperparathyroidism
1988 CL097 26 Localization studies in patients with primary hyperparathyroidism.
1990 CL126 26 Oral calcium load test: Diagnostic and physiologic implications in hyperparathyroidism.
1990 CL096 26 The reasons for failure in parathyroid operations.
1990 CL124 26 Presidential addres: The glands of owen-A perspective on the history of hyperparathyroidism.
1990 CL125 26 Endosonography in the localization of parathyroid tumors: A preliminary study.
1992 CL191 26 Primary aldosteronism
1992 CL216 26 Primary hyperparathyroidism in the 1990s: choice of surgical procedure for this disease
1995 CL279 26 Presidential address: normocalcemic hyperparathyroidism
1996 CL289 26 Characteristics of patients surgically treated for primary hyperparathyroidism with and withot renal stones
1996 CL297 26 Incidence of multiglandular disease in primary hyperparathyroisdism determined by parathyroid hormone secretion
1996 CL308 26 Impac of complementary parathyroid Scintigraphy and ultrasonography on the surgical management of hyperparathyroidism
1997 CL309 26 Efficacy of preoperative diagnostic imagin localization of technetium 99m-sestamibi scintigraphy in hyperparathyroidism
2000 CL369 26 Thyroid nodules: rational management
2014 CL392 26 Role of surgery in the treatment of renal secondary hyperparathyroidism